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Land west of Imberhorne Lane, East Grinstead

Access from Imberhorne Lane

Vehicle access to the entire development would be provided from just one location on Imberhorne Lane.  Under our submitted proposals, the existing access to Imberhorne Farm would be upgraded to a four-arm roundabout:

The location of the proposed vehicle access (highlighted by the red arrow)


The design of the proposed four-arm roundabout


At the time of Welbeck Land’s public consultation on the proposals in autumn 2022, a vehicle access was proposed from Imberhorne Lane opposite Heathcote Drive.  A vehicle access is no longer proposed in this location, with the submitted proposals instead proposing a landscaped pedestrian and cycle access to the site from this part of Imberhorne Lane, using land that currently forms part of Imberhorne Upper School’s playing fields:


The proposed pedestrian & cycle link into the development from Imberhorne Lane

Contact Us

If you have any queries, please contact Adam Robinson of SP Broadway on
07711 262 925 or at adam@spbroadway.com